Alertacall - Enhanced housing management and digital telecare

Take a preventative approach to home maintenance The Envosense sensor fromAlertacall continuallymonitors the environmental aspects of properties that are someof thebiggest contributors to repairs andmaintenance costs for housingproviders. Data collectedhourly shows changes inhumidityand temperature, and canbe indicativeof dampness, poor ventilationandheating failures. Inaddition, excessive heating is oftenassociatedwith fuel arrears, andunderheatingmaybe as a result of poor insulationor a customer experiencing fuel poverty. Inboth cases extended periods of over or under heatingare commonly linked toaneed for increased levels of housingmanagement andpoorer outcomes for residents. There are clear links between physical health, mental wellbeing and housing conditions - awarmand dry housewill help to reduce respiratory conditions and the spread of viruses. Key benefits Helps complywith the Homes (Fitness for HumanHabitation) Act 2018 Reduce repairs bills through the early detection of issues Identify potential fuel poverty or payment arrears Lowservice charge - no equipment costs Easy to set up Remotemonitoring and checks - real time reporting portal Half amillion social housing properties in England fail tomeet the required decent homes standards EnglishHousing Survey, July 2017