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General needs housing

Traditionally, tenants with higher needs have been provided with a home in supported housing. However, the growth of supported housing has not kept pace with the rise in the tenant population.

Today, there are far more older and higher needs people in general needs properties, with little oversight of their additional needs and issues.

The health and safety needs of these tenants is greater because:

  • They are likely to be seriously ill if their home falls below the decent homes standard
  • The need for modifications to their property are more likely to go undetected
  • They are at a higher risk of being an undiscovered tenant death
  • Getting left behind in the desire to increase levels of digital engagement is more likely for this group

New consumer standards set out by the Regulator of Social Housing, require improved engagement with tenants. This includes offering a choice of communications channels, especially for harder to reach tenant groups.

Increasing digital and human contact will also reduce risks and increase tenant satisfaction.


With an Alertacall touchscreen you can:

  • Eliminate undiscovered deaths with regular contact – up to 365 days a year
  • Enable the easier reporting of repairs and antisocial behaviour
  • Communicate more easily, even with harder to reach tenants
  • Collect tenant satisfaction measures and other tenant feedback

If you would like to know more please contact us.

Who we help

  • By Sector
  • By Role
  • General needs housing
    Increased oversight of older and higher needs people who currently do not receive any additional support .
  • Housing for older people
    Enhanced housing management for those in supported accommodation to improve the effectiveness of housing teams .
  • Hospital Discharge
    Digital devices with regular ‘check ins’, medication and appointment prompts that improve patient outcomes and reduce readmission rates.
  • Domiciliary care
    A stepping stone service to in-home care, and a valuable complement to existing care provision providing additional reassurance checks.
  • Senior leadership teams
    Working across the organisation to design the most successful digital engagement initiatives which are future proofed, and work for all parts of the organisation – including tenants
  • Housing teams
    With a growing tenant base of older people and other higher needs groups, housing teams need increased oversight of tenants’ needs, at the same time as reducing their own workload.
  • Asset teams
    The forthcoming digital switchover requires an upgrade or alternative to hard wired systems. Our Beyond Warden Call system is easy to install, maintain, compliant, and is much more than a like-for-like replacement.
  • Digital transformation and IT teams
    Fully realising the benefits of self service transformation requires high adoption levels amongst even the hardest to reach groups. Find out how we overcome these challenges.
  • Procurement and finance teams
    Find out how we are not just a low cost option, but one with high levels of funding and demonstrable returns on investment.
  • Hospital discharge
    Increase the efficiency of the hospital discharge process, reduce Delayed Transfers of Care, and levels of readmission.
  • Domiciliary care
    Secure new clients with a low cost ‘stepping stone’ service into domiciliary care, or a hybrid solution with traditional home care visits, that helps meet clients’ budgets or helps with staff shortages.