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A look back at 2024

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As we head into what looks to be another exciting year for Alertacall, we take a moment to reflect on last year and everything we achieved in 2024.

From travelling around the UK deploying a record number of touchscreens (and in turn delivering a record number of resident presentations!), sponsoring and hosting industry events and planting 20,000 trees in the Lake District, to building a team in Ahmedabad, Northern India, a cutting-edge centre of tech development, here are some of our 2024 highlights:


Aside from exhibiting and speaking at key industry events such as Housing 2024, we hosted two in-person round table events for CEOs and Senior Leaders of Social Housing; ‘Preventing Undiscovered Tenant Deaths’ and ‘How To Supercharge Your Customer Services’ and also sponsored an exclusive round table event with Sir Norman Lamb, former MP and Minister for Care and Support, to discuss the new Consumer Standards and how they impact older and vulnerable people. We were joined by some of housing’s top leaders from Places for People, Havebury, Bromford, Time To Change West Cumbria and Greatwell Homes, to name but a few, who all provided brilliant insight and learnings.

In addition, we started sponsoring Matt Baird’s The Social Housing Round Table in 2024, which is a weekly virtual event that takes place every Tuesday from 11am-12pm, discussing anything and everything in the social housing world! Some of the Alertacall sponsored sessions have included Kate McArdell-Broome from Johnnie Johnson Housing, Sir Norman Lamb and Rob Pickering – discussing AI and the implications for Housing. We have really enjoyed sponsoring these invaluable discussions and look forward to more throughout 2025, kicking off with the founder of Time to Change West Cumbria, Rachel Holliday in January and Richard Walker from Pickering & Ferens Homes in February! You can register to attend The Social Housing Round Table virtual sessions on Zoom here. To listen to any previous recordings, click here.


In 2024, Alertacall turned 20! We celebrated this fantastic achievment with a party at a beautiful Grade II listed building in Warrington – The Parr’s Bank Hotel. A fun night was had by all as we got our brilliant team together to celebrate with delicious award-winning Indian food from Apna Khana catering, drinks and entertainment, which included a DJ, selfie booth, bhangra dancers and a dhol drummer!

We took on a number of new clients and projects throughout the year and deployed thousands of touchscreens to deliver our award-winning services! This in turn lead to over 275 resident presentations, all across the country, including a staggering 130 in just 4 weeks! Well done team!

We made good progress with the installation of our digital and wireless warden call replacement product – Beyond Warden Call – in an increasing number of locations. We even took on Product Manager, Ben Mort, specifically for this easier, simpler and lower-cost warden call system. You can find out more about Ben and his role here.

Our client, Places for People, had a great start to the year using the surveying app on our touchscreens – which comes as part of our Housing Proactive service, as they gained a 36% response in just 24 hours! Claire Bailey, Head of Innovation at Places for People commented: 

“The response rate from customers shows the positive impact that the Alertacall service is already having within our services – people are engaged and happy to use the touchscreen to talk to us, which is great because the more we know about our customers, the better we can deliver our services.”

We were delighted to receive more fantastic feedback from our clients. But don’t just take our word for it! Check out these 2024 case studies from MTVH, Saffron Housing Trust, Bromford and Time To Change West Cumbria.

Social Responsibility

From a young age, our CEO and Founder, James Batchelor had a desire to plant trees and made this dream a reality in 2024 by working with Buy Land Pant Trees to plant 20,000 of them at Low Fell in the Lake District – one for every one of Alertacall’s customers. Watch the below video to find out more.


The reaction to our tree planting project has been phenomenal and here’s just a few of the lovely responses we’ve had from some of our customers:

Thank you for my birthday card, I love the idea of having a tree planted for each customer.”

“The tree planting project is brilliant.”

“Thank you for the tree you planted for me.”

“What a lovely idea, planting a tree for each customer – thank you!”

We look forward to continuing to plant a tree for every customer using our services and aim to plant tens of thousands more over the coming years.

Aside from our tree planting project, our contact centre receive regular messages of thanks for the services we provide, which is always wonderful to hear, especially as here at Alertacall we seek to improve the lives of everyone we come into contact with. Our contact centre are an incredible team who go above and beyond, especially with our most isolated and vulnerable customers, in making sure everything is OK at their properties with our OKEachDay service.

Here are some of our favourite customer messages from 2024:


“I’m really appreciative of your service, it helps to keep me independent.”

“Talking to you makes such a difference. No family members can visit me today but I will be good for the day now we have chatted.”

“Thank you for the hospital checks you made when I was in hospital recently. You are tremendous people and I love your service.”

“I wasn’t interested in the service at first but now think it’s the best thing since sliced bread! It makes me feel safe and I’d like to thank you all for what you do.”

“I have been on the service for 3 months and this is the first time I have used it to process a repair. It is excellent, really, really made up with it.”

“OKEachDay is like a ‘hidden friend’ helping me to feel more safe and secure,”

“I love this service, absolutely love it! The touchscreen is the best thing ever to be put in my home. I feel so much safer as I know if I don’t press the OKEachDay button, there’s going to be someone there. That’s so important to me and I’m incredibly grateful.”

Looking beyond the UK

Early in 2024, James and Simon (our CTO) spent a fascinating week in Ahmedabad, a city that’s approaching nine million residents in northern India with a booming tech industry. With our growth and new product developments, we need a skill set that is increasingly difficult to source in the UK, so they visited Vedlogic, a company who outsource software development services. Fast forward to the start of 2025 and we now have a fantastic team of 8 out in Ahmedabad, who work alongside our equally fantastic team in the UK to boost our future software and product development.


What a year it has been! And these were just some of the highlights of 2024! We haven’t even mentioned our certification to the TSA Quality Standards Framework, Cyber Essentials and re-certification of ISO 27001 and 9001!

If you would like to find out more about what we do at Alertacall, check out the below animated video (also created in 2024!)