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Asset Management and Maintenance Conference 2023

Image for Asset Management and Maintenance Conference 2023

Assets teams play a vital role in meeting the ever-increasing pressures on housing associations.

 You must provide the best service you can for residents, while taking into account their varying needs, keeping on top of maintenance and repairs and contributing to the strategic direction of your organisation. All of this at a time when it is becoming essential to digitise systems, make properties more energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions.

 Alongside these pressures, the Better Social Housing Review and Social Housing Act – which was given Royal Assent this summer – have introduced a raft of specific requirements for housing providers to follow. The current review of the Decent Homes Standard is bound to produce yet more.

 Alertacall are proud to work with assets teams in housing providers across the country to use our products and services to help fulfil residents’ needs, meet regulatory and legal standards and ease the burden on hardworking staff.

 On October 11 and October 12, our team will be heading to the Asset Management and Maintenance Conference and Exhibition in Coventry. The conference is a fantastic forum for sharing knowledge and learning from others in the industry, while discussing the latest developments and challenges.

 We’re looking forward to the chance to catch up with those we already work with, as well as introducing our products and services to new people from across the housing sector.

 Our Beyond Warden Call service is designed to meet many of the challenges facing housing providers. This combines a digital touchscreen, fire safety, telecare and secure video door entry systems in a single wireless package – and it can be installed without a huge cabling burden. This means it is easy and cost-effective to install, with minimum disruption to tenants or damage to the structure of buildings and less damage to make good. Each unit works independently, making servicing extremely easy.

 Other benefits of Beyond Warden Call include:

  • Low cost solution
  • Easy maintenance
  • Compliance with relevant telecare standards
  • Links to your existing Alarm Receiving Centre
    • No need to change suppliers; or you can use our partner
  • Integration with your existing smoke alarms, no need to replace them

 Our touchscreen also has the option to add a number of digital engagement features, including easy maintenance and repair reporting and the ability to survey tenants and share updates and information. People can also use the touchscreen to video call other residents and their landlord and make use of Alertacall’s OKEachDay service.

 As well as being a chance to talk about what we do, the Asset Management and Maintenance Conference will also be an opportunity for us to listen to the experiences of those working in the sector. We’re looking forward to seeing you there and discussing how we can help you provide an excellent service for your organisation and its residents.

 To find out more about how Alertacall can work with your team contact us here.